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Her Wealth Academy
Her Wealth Academy
By Love Her Wealth
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Her Wealth Academy
By Love Her Wealth

This is a 5-week course design to radically transform the way you save, spend, earn and think about money. It allows you to work on your mindset, prioritise goals, pay down debt, care for your money. The modules are:

  • Module 1: Mindset and beliefs (money blocks, your money blueprint, clarity and goal setting, law of attraction)
  • Module 2: Income and security (organisation, emergency fund, exploring income streams)
  • Module 3: Controlling expenses without sacrifice (lifestyle inflation, understand spending triggers, preparing spending plan)
  • Module 4: Your personal spending plan (download financial freedom spreadsheet, checking, savings and actuals)
  • Module 5: Review and refine (tips to success, let’s celebrate)
Format: Video training / coaching

One off payment of $97 (plus applicable taxes)

Price Range: $
Starts: Evergreen Length: 5 weeks
Location: Online
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